Marian L., Chicago, Illinois (Queen, dual core)I smile when I crawl under my covers now. A whole new feel of “under the covers” like I never experienced.
Ashley M., San Francisco, California (Queen, dual core)This is the coziest duvet I've ever owned! My previous duvets would get lumpy over time, the Kailu has stayed as fluffy and even as they day I got it.
Adam Reeb, Los Angeles, California (King, dual core)I love that it’s super warm in the winter but I never feel too hot, even in summer. I used to get too hot and would wake up sweaty but that hasn’t happened with the silk duvet.
Brandon S., Burlingame, California (Emperor, dual core)Has a comforting weight to it while not being hot. Always is the perfect temperature and feels like a pack of care bears snuggling around me.
Jane P., Berkeley, California (Queen, dual core)Cooling to touch with a good weight to it and enough warmth for cooler weather. Before, I would overheat easily, sweat but still feel cold at times. Raw silk has a great balance to it. Will never go back to a standard duvet!
Gretchen L., Brooklyn, New York (King, dual core)It changed my menopausal life!
Leanne M., Seattle, Washington (Queen, single core)Comfortable for older ladies! It's lightweight, but still warm. My sister would love it too.
Jill N., Oakland, California (Queen, dual core)While I still have hot flashes (seems there's no escaping those) I no longer wake up in a bed soaked with sweat. I have no idea how this duvet keeps the sweat at bay, but it's a miracle. Add to that the incredibly indulgent feel of the silk, the perfect balance of the filling, and the lovely, comforting weight of it, and it's absolute heaven!
Jeanette Trompeter, Pismo Beach, California (King, single core)What a game changer! I was dealing with body temperature issues throughout the night. Too hot, too cold, night sweats that I guess come with being my age, but my Kailu comforter has almost eliminated those issues. I know they are more expensive than department store comforters, but if I add up the nights I’ve slept so peacefully, worth every penny. Super soft too and beautifully packaged. Highly recommend.
Diane P., San Francisco, California (King, single core)I’m sleeping so much better and through the night since purchasing my Kailu silk comforter. With my previous down comforter I would start off fine when I fell asleep but would inevitably wake up overheated and sweating, throw off the covers and wake up again feeling chilly. With the Kailu silk comforter I am comfortable and sleep through out the night. It’s like a smart comforter and matches my changing body temperature.
Priscilla B., Ontario, Canada (Queen, dual core)I'm in absolute love with my duvet and the customer service I've received right from the beginning. I never thought what's on top of me while I sleep made any difference to my sleep quality like a good set of sheets do but now I know better! Thank you sooo very much for providing me with such an amazing product and giving me the best sleep. I actually have a hard time getting out of bed for work due to the comfort I feel waking up! I was unsure how my significant other would react to the new duvet but he fell in love with it as well. When we sleep out he says he wishes we brought the duvet with us. WIN.
Rob L., San Francisco, California (Emperor, single core)My wife and I never fight for the blanket, never get cold, and never have cold spots. I feel healthier knowing that my duvet came from natural materials and not from oil-based products. I don't have any allergies to the silk duvet. I was surprised that the duvet doesn't breathe better. We ordered two, one lightweight and one heavy. We've never used anything but the lightweight duvet, and I can't imagine using it. I do sleep a little "too hot" and occasionally wake up sweating.
Amy L., Madison, Wisconsin (Emperor, single core)It's extremely comfortable for both my husband and I. I constantly bought new duvets before finding this one because within 6 months of use, the previous down duvets would bunch all the way to the bottom which would drive me crazy. I also couldn't find a weight that would keep my husband & I both happy. He sleeps very hot and I fluctuate between hot & cold. I love the raw silk, it stays in place & it's temperature regulating. It's seriously wonderful for both of us. It's also so soft to the touch and absolutely luxurious. (The only downside is my dog never wants to get off of my bed!)